Me and my sister Anna decided to do the no mirror makeup challenge for my Youtube channel…

Go and have a watch to see how we got on!

Thanks for all your support in growing myself to be where I want to be

Cya later,

Courtney x

New Content & My Youtube Channel

Hey guys, it’s been a while but as you all know by now because I say it every single time I post I’m a real busy body so have rarely anytime to write anymore *cries*

HOWEVER, my Youtube channel has officially kickstarted!


I have a new video posted yesterday (CLICK ME, CLICK ME) I brought myself a brand new camera, lighting, stuff for content and so on… I will be posting more on there and my beauty Instagram from now on. I hope everyone is having a fabulous start to the summer, I’m currently following & subscribing to all beauty related accounts that follow/subscribe to me also.

If theres any specific looks/videos you would like me to create then don’t hesitate to drop me some comments or an ask over on my curious cat page


Courtney x

My Year So Far…

Talking about my current life, work, uni, relationships and mental health.

Hey guys so as voted by you on twitter this post is going to be all about what I’ve been up to so far this year (I have to say you picked probably the most boring one because not a fat lot has happened in my life). So I’m going to narrow it down to the main things that have changed or I’m currently trying to change, home, career paths and my relationships.

1. I moved back home

I had a real bad living experience from September last year, for my second year of uni like most people I decided to get a house share with a few friends in London. I was stoked about this because everyone I knew who had done this had a really great time and said it was one of the best things they had ever done. This was NOT the case for me.

Around October time I became really unhappy with where I was living and the house was extremely isolating, I never left my room when I was there because the house was disgusting, then the funny smell came… I walked into my room one morning after uni and it smelt like actual death. I didn’t sleep in that bedroom from then and went to stay with my boyfriend until it went but it kept coming back so I was outta there. I then found out just after Christmas that we infect had a mice infestation which then explained why my bedroom smelt like dead animal so I was like cya and moved out for good🙅🏼

I’m 10,000 times happier now I’m at home, I got my family, dog, kitties and my job back and I’m happily plodding along through life until my next chapter begins

2. I’ve dropped out of university

I haven’t actually spoke about this one online before, people keep asking me about it and I tend not to respond but I have in fact dropped out. I’m not gonna get into the full details as I’m not in a position where I want tell everyone just yet but let’s just say over Christmas I was pretty ill which caused me to miss assignments/exams and afterwards my head was just gone. I tried to go to lectures and catch up but for me it was just impossible. My heart wasn’t in it anymore. I wasn’t feeling my course either, even in first year I was skeptical with it but being me I wanted to stick to it as I didn’t want to feel like a dissapoinment to everyone. 

Also lets put out the fact that my uni was RUBBISH. I mean maybe if I went to a different uni and had more of a social aspect to it I would’ve been able to stick it out but UEHELL (UEL) is definitely not the place for that full on good uni experience.

I have no idea what I’m doing/what I want to do with my life now and I’m only just becoming ok with that almost “lost” feeling. I want to work with animals, I want to do makeup, YouTube, fashion I want to do absolutely everything which is a huge problem of mine. So many interests but not enough time to do them all, but hey ho life goes on and there’s not enough time to spend moping about like I used too.

3. Building my circle and myself

Since being back at home I’m really wanting to build my circle of friends, I’ve never really had a lot of them and this is something I want to change.

If you ever feel yourself slipping away, isolating yourself, making yourself feel like crap 24/7, then reach out to old friends, catch up with family members, try and make plans because honestly this has made me feel so much better within myself. Over the past 3 weeks I’ve caught up with 5 old friends and even just spending an hour or so with them has made me feel so good and less alone.  

I’ve been dedicating this year to making myself feel better and building on my overall outlook on life. I’m planning a lot of stuff, I’m starting the gym soon, going on holiday, moving in with Kurt. Super exciting stuff could be happening and I can’t wait.

I’ve never done a personal post before so this was quite a nice one to write, I’m not that entertaining as a person but I’m working on it and I will have a more exciting life soon!

Thanks for reading

Love yas x